Sculpting is usually an iterative process that refines the artisan's vision over multiple versions. Sometimes, pre-made objects are added to a clay sculpt to form parts of the object, such as small ball bearings for eyeballs. Some artists sculpt from a piece of clay in the general size of a keycap, others may use an existing keycap and add clay shapes to it, while others may sculpt their keycaps on 3rd party platforms that are designed to assist with making artisans, such as the :~$ynth or ZButt. Artists will have their preferred workflow and choose material based on personal preferences. Monster clay, CX5, and Sculpy are common brands of choice. Sculpting material usually consists of various clay or wax media. In some cases, makers have been known to design their own tools to implement specific techniques or fit their preferred workflow.

For the purposes of this section we will be focusing primarily on the former, hand-sculpted artisan keycaps.Ĭreating detailed sculpts at the scale of a keycap require fine tools often used by sculptors in other sculpture art domains. While both require creativity and artistry, hand sculpted masters are generally considered to require more skill across multiple disciplines, and closer to the traditional handmade art form by some collectors. There are typically two ways to do this from scratch: (1) hand sculpting with some form of clay or wax media, or (2) three dimensional modeling with software, usually followed by 3d printing or machining (which could also be used as a master for hand casted caps). The first step is to create a three dimensional object that is the subject of the keycap.